
The competition

Categories and Prizes

For 35 years, the SPORTEL Awards have been rewarding the most beautiful sports footages of the year through two categories: The Golden Podiums and the Sports Book Prize Renaud de Larborderie.

A Jury of experts from the sports and media world is invited each year to screen and judge the best sports footages from around the world. It is also responsible for selecting and rewarding the most beautiful sports books.

Golden Podiums

Trophy « Golden Podiums »

Original sculpture by Raymond Moretti

The Golden Podium Awards are presented each year at the prestigious SPORTEL Awards ceremony. A Jury designates the sports videos that creatively highlight the sporting gesture, historical sports records and the beauty of sport through images and rewards the winners with several prizes.

7 Golden Podium Trophies will be awarded for all categories, including 3 for the Best Documentaries

Best Slow Motion – Georges Bertellotti

Rewards the best sports slow motion highlighting the emotion of the moment.

The submitted sequence (must consist of/ must be composed of) at least 80% slow-motion footage and may include either:

  • A montage/editing ou edit shots
  • A single continuous shot

Music should be added if it enhances the sequence.

Best Documentaries

Documentaries with a sports content theme in the form of a film, biopic or series will be accepted.
Through analysis, investigation and a scripted storyline, this programme provides new perspectives and a clear understanding of the subject.
It can present various themes that cut across sport: culture, religion, politics, science, economic and social issues.

3 documentaries will be awarded:
  • Best Thematic Documentary
  • Best Biopic
  • Best Docu-Series

Best Report

Rewards the best report dealing mainly with sport.
This programme can be broadcast as part of a show or news segment.
The report may highlight a discipline, an event, a team or a personality.

Best Advertising – Christian Blachas

Rewards the creativity of an advertising film which scenario involves sports or the best sequence promoting one sports TV show or one sport event.

Jury Special Prize

Rewards the very favourite sequence of the Jury.


Trophy « Sports Book Prize »

This prize rewards the most beautiful illustrated work honoring sports photography. By the richness of its illustrations, this beautiful book must highlight the emotion of the sporting moment.

This prize is based on an artistic creation where the quality of the photography, cover, format, composition, layout as well as the grammage of the pages are combined to enhance the art of sport.

Supported by the Monaco Olympic Committee


Peace and Sport
Documentary Prize

Rewards a filmmaker who, through a video clip or a movie, emphasises the positive role of sport in peace promotion.

Supported by Peace and Sport

2023 Partners

Logo Comité Olympique Monégasque, Partenaire Officiel de SPORTEL Awards
Logo Peace and Sport, Partenaire Officiel de SPORTEL Awards
Logo Comité National Olympique et Sportif Français, Partenaire Officiel de SPORTEL Awards